If you have requested a locate and it fails to complete, the command will remain waiting for your device to connect with our servers. The device needs to be powered on and have a data connection. At that point the locate would go through. When and if this occurs, an email will be sent to your registered account with location information.
Unfortunately, we cannot locate your device for you.
How to locate your device:
- Go to your Lookout Life missing device page in your account
- A locate will begin automatically
- Once the locate completes, you can locate again by clicking on 'locate again' on the bottom of the map
For Android devices
In order to successfully locate a device, your phone or tablet needs to be on (no app or service will work when the phone is powered off) and have a data connection, either through your carrier or WiFi. Due to current smart phone and tablet technology, it is impossible to remotely power on a device. If you receive an "Error Connecting" message, then one of these requirements has probably not been met. Occasionally a Locate might not work due to an intermittent network error. Please wait a while and try again.
Note: if your device still fails to locate, a Task Killer or Battery Saver could be the problem.
For iOS devices